Day 140 – Hurricane James!

So, this is what happens when things get really quiet with a two and a half year old!  He managed to pull out most of the books in our room.  I find it funny that he left some evidence behind right in the middle of the crime scene, and ironic that it’s right on top of our Building a Lasting Marriage book.  Clearly, we have yet to get the “How to Build a Lasting Clean House” book.  Anyway, I wanted a more dramatic light, so used the 600ex-rt with the mag mod system, two grids to create a more focused beam on the toy as that was the focal point of the ‘story’ for me.  I considered using an octobox or even umbrella to lighten up the entire scene, exposing the empty shelves.  However, I wanted to draw the attention to the toy and the humor (to me) of the contrasted ‘lasting marriage’ book with the non-lasting clean room.

5D3 85mm f/1.2L @ f5.6, 1/80″, ISO 100 + 600ex-rt OCF

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