Day 142 – Promenade

I still enjoy heading over to the promenade to witness the nuts, homeless, tourists, talent, and locals.  Now that the train comes all the way through (and today’s fares being free), it was quite crowded down there!  But there at the corner was Rock ‘n Roll Jesus, singing terribly but owning it.  The kids and I headed down and had dinner together and wandered around.  Was a great day and night! 🙂

UPDATE 8/1/16 – I was trying to be funny and flippant in my post not realizing the impact it would have.  To Rock and Roll Jesus, my apologies for the tone of my post – I was truly impressed by your artistic ability to get up in front of many and sing with passion.  My comment, upon rereading after your post, was not appropriate.  My description was inadequate and we did enjoy it quite a lot.  I’m sorry for the comment and I will be more careful in the future with how I phrase things, especially when ‘trying’ to be funny.  Please accept my apology.

3 replies to “Day 142 – Promenade

  1. I sing for hours on end every day so naturally my voice can’t be %100 all the time. I would hardly think my singing is terrible weather you think so or not. But thank you for your opinion. I hope your journey in life is a bit more positive. God Bless!!!

    1. UPDATE 8/1/16 – I was trying to be funny and flippant in my post not realizing the impact it would have. To Rock and Roll Jesus, my apologies for the tone of my post – I was truly impressed by your artistic ability to get up in front of many and sing with passion. My comment, upon rereading after your post, was not appropriate. My description was inadequate and we did enjoy it quite a lot. I’m sorry for the comment and I will be more careful in the future with how I phrase things, especially when ‘trying’ to be funny. Please accept my apology.

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